Monitor or new GPU and motherboard.

12 May 2005

Ok this is the complete last week I have to decde what I want before I force myself to order. Basically, I have about 340 or so to spend on an upgrade, and so just trying to decide.

Its either a new phillips widescreen 20" monitor, or a new GPU+ motherboard.

Pretty much at the moment I have to admit that the new monitor is far in the lead, because I would like dual screens, and also would like widescreen for the 360.

Currently my specs are, venice 3000 @ 2.75GHZ, 1GB of ram, X800XT AGP, and a 19" CRT 4:3 monitor.

I have to admit I got out of the PC gaming scene for a while, but I got to admit looking at the prices of PC games they are so much cheaper than console...

The only problem with upgrading is that I would still have to keep unplugging my pc monitor and plugging it in to my 360... which sucks. I have dual screens with a 15" CRT at the moment... but thats kinda terrible.

So, anyone wanna try to convice me that a new GPU + motherboard is the way forward? if I did get them, I would a few months later grab an x3800 x2 CPU. As I said though, at the moment the monitor is winning out, and then I was thinking of upgrading when M2 comes out. Oppions please :)
A few things which are bothering me is that I would probablly need a new PSU (because I only have a 20 pin one, which as far as I know is not going to work to well with a PCI-E card) and I guess I would need 2GB of ram in the future (say a few weeks)

Does anyone know what type of specs Elderscrolls 4 would take to run perfectly at high res?

I am guessing My CPU would be fine, with a 7900GT or a X1800XT plus 2GB of ram or something?

Lastly, what is slightly faster? a 7900GT or a x1800XT? and how much of a jump would I get from a X800XT which is clocked to about 550/550?
Have to admit that I am surprised with the rather large performance jump.

It's really killing me tbh, the extra monitor would make using my 360 so much easier... however not having a awesome new graphics card to play PC games on is hurting me to :(
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