Monitor part exchange? Upgrading...

6 Apr 2016
Hey guys,

I've upgraded my rig and believe it or not I literally forgot that I needed to upgrade my monitor...

Currently using the HP 27ea 27 inch display. It's a nice looking monitor and is in immaculate condition. The only issue is that it's 60Hz and I need 144Hz monitor now.

I don't want to spend more than £250 on a monitor if I can avoid it, but I know a good monitor is worth it's weight in gold so to speak.

With that in mind, do you have any recommendations for that sort of price point? The Acer XFA240 is reviewed well, but it's rather ugly. On a final note, do you know of any retailers that would part-ex a monitor?

Don't get rid of your existing monitor. Having two monitors is a huge productivity boost.

Check out this list of 144 hz 27" monitors. there are several in your price range. if desk space is an issue then consider getting a dual-monitor stand, peerhaps with one stacked above the other.

thanks mate, that's very helpful.

aye, desk space is an issue at the moment and the mrs would never let me stack one above the other haha.

at £250 you should be looking at 2560x1440 models.
what's the usage?
i guess gaming, because other uses really don't need high refresh rates.

yes mate, solely used for gaming.

i agree 2540x1440 is a good idea. should i be looking at 144hz or 165hz.. is there a huge difference?

i like the look of
I used to have dual monitors & I use dual monitors at work mate so I know what I'm missing out on. I just can't utilise two at the moment. I'll keep the 27ea in a cupboard or something for the time being.
Think I'm gonna go for AOC Q27G2U.

Out of stock everywhere, but found it on one site for a little bit more. Would like the CQ27G2U, but that seems to be like gold dust ...
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