well, the difference between choosing a set of monitors and choosing a set of normal speakers is the fact that you choose normal speakers for yourself, which is pretty self explanitory, if you like dance music youd get somthing fast paced with good punchy bass.....
buying monitors for music production is a different kettle of fish....a music producer had to manipulate the sound of his creation for a very wide audience so it will sound its best weather played on a £30 argos stereo or a £2000 high end system.
with that in mind, you would need a set of speakers that are very neutral...if you buy a set with great big woofers it will sound great when
you listen to it at home, but when sombody else with cheap speakers listens to it, it may end up sounding hollow and one-dimensional.....
....and on the other side of the coin, if you do your production with cheap tinny speakers, you will more than likely raise the bass end of the EQ up, so when played back on a higher quality set of speakers, the bass will overpower all the subtle qualities of your sound.
I think they would be a decent choice considering your budget, but i would maybe try to stretch to the fostex ones two items down, as they are bi-amped and seem that bit better.
fostex pm series