Someone very nicely summed up an excellent view point in regards to monitors and displays. I'll try to find it but it got me thinking..
Where do you guys stand on display vs GPU investment?
A display 99% of the time outlives the GPU, the display at the end of the day shows what the GPU is capable of.
Yet on forums and reddit, I constantly see people with 2080ti or 2080ti SLI or 2080s... and absolutley shocking monitors. I struggle to see the thought process of spending more money on your GPU than your display.
Any thoughts or singihts into this?
Where do you guys stand on display vs GPU investment?
A display 99% of the time outlives the GPU, the display at the end of the day shows what the GPU is capable of.
Yet on forums and reddit, I constantly see people with 2080ti or 2080ti SLI or 2080s... and absolutley shocking monitors. I struggle to see the thought process of spending more money on your GPU than your display.
Any thoughts or singihts into this?