Monitors and DPI Scaling - What is your situation?

3 Oct 2014
Over the past few days I have gone through three monitors and learnt quite a bit which one was is best suited to me. I use the computer mostly for productivity work, coding.

34" 3440 x 1440 Ultrawide 21:9
29" 2560 x 1080 Ultrawide 21:9
32" 2560 x 1440 16:9

Both the ultrawides I found myself having to increase the scaling to make text during normal use readable. For the 29" 1080 this was a real problem as my vertical screen space was then actually less than a normal 16:9 1080p display. The minor extra width was then hardly worthwhile after scaling. The 29" 1080 I believe is one of the bigger if not biggest? screen size for this resolution but I couldn't work on it without increasing scaling.

The 34" 1440 Ultrawide I found slightly too big for a monitor, Again I had to scale up the text which would cost me some of that vertical and horizontal space. I can see why people would choose this set up though. After scaling, would the intended use of putting things side by side be then practical?

So then I opted for a 32" 2560x1440 16:9. You might say this is a big screen size for QHD resolution, but it only has the same pixel density as 1080p 24" which I think is perfect. I can use this without any text scaling so I get the full real estate usable of resolution of 2560x1440.

So conclusion after testing ultrawides for the first time, I found the ultrawides too high for text readability without scaling. I do prefer the dual / triple monitor set up over having things side by side on one single monitor. I also prefer the vertical screen space 16:9 allows for when coding and browsing web pages. Not to mention the standard resolution for non movie videos on Youtube.

16:9 wins it for me. But then I'm not a gamer to which ultrawides probably most appeal too.

Do you use scaling on your monitors or do you all have 20/20 vision :)
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There is a difference between having a DPI level you can see a difference with photos/video and having a DPI level you can actually read text size.

Sure I could make out the text with a high DPI but at 100% scaling it is not fun to read.
Another thing I have noticed.

When using a multi monitor setup within Windows 10 latest version.

Preset scaling will blur text on applications with some applications. So if you set your main monitor to say 125% and your other monitors are 100%, you will get blurry text on the secondary monitors.

If you use Custom Scaling which affects applies to ALL monitors, there is no text blurring, so I have to use Customer Scaling because of this :(

Anyone else get this issue?
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