
12 Sep 2005
Does anybody know anything about pc monitors as i want some high quality speakers for computer and monitors seem a good bet as they have better tone than normal computer speakers but save having an amp which you would need for bookcase/floorstanders. thing is i have no idea if they are worth the hefty price tag.
How much is hefty? Something like the Roland DM10 digital monitors used to go for around £100 (think they've recently gone out of production but you may still be able to pick up a set, or I've seen similar digital monitors for under £150), so you don't have to pay the earth. No idea if they're any good though :D

You might want to have a look at the Sonic Impact t-amp, that's a great little amp, small enough and cheap enough to be ideal for using with a PC. It's another option if you wanted to use hi-fi speakers.
Monitor speakers are designed to be flat response which means they will not colour the sound, or at least try to get as flat a sound as possible.

Personally i would get some nice bookshelves and a cheapish amp maybe second hand? If your looking at Active speakers i think the Behringer Truths or maybe Tannoy reveals will be *about* the cheapest but you might not like the sound you get from them.

If your investing in these speakers not just for music playback but more to start your own little studio for your own musical endeavours then i think it would be a good first step, however i would also suggest thinking about what else you will need such as a professional orientated sound card with all the ins/outs you might be wanting in the future. Hope that helped to some degree.

some linkies here:

For any information you might be interested in will explain almost ANYTHING regarding Music Tech. also has a huge amount of knowledge regarding home studios etc you just have to dedicate an hour or so to take it all in :)

Hope that helps. Someone with a bit more knowledge might be able to put some other ideas out.
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