Monkey Forest

18 Oct 2002
I don't post on here very often, but I thought i'd share some photos taken at the Monkey Forest in Trentham near Stoke. It's a relatively new place, so most people probably haven't heard of it, but if you are within driving distance i'd recommend a visit if you want some 'exotic' wildlife shots outside of the confines of a Zoo. They keep everything as close as possible to their natural habitat, and they've even released about 600 back into the wild.

Basically the place consists of a large forest (strangely enough!), a winding path through it, and 140 free roaming monkeys. They have areas you aren't allowed to go into, indicated by fences a foot or so high, but the monkeys are free to do as they please, and come within a foot or so of you if they're in the mood.

They're all the same type of monkey, so it's not exactly varied, but it's a nice setting for taking photographs. I managed with my 24-70, but I could have taken a few more shots with a slightly longer lens. I had to shoot at ISO 200 to keep the shutter speeds up because the little fellas move so damn quickly it's hard to get rid of the motion blur completely. It really makes me appreciate how good 'proper' wildlife photographers are at knowing their quarry so they can anticipate the movement.

Anyway, a few of the photos are below, the rest are at if anyone is interested.




Nice pics... never heard og the place before, might venture up there to have a look... number 3 is great he's not camera shy (he's showing off ) :p
mark35 said:
this looks just like the place have been looking for:) will my 70-200f4 be any good here?

Yeah, all of mine were taken at the longer end of my 24-70. You might have to boost the ISO up to 400 or maybe even 800 to get any decent shots of the babies at f4 though.. they move like lightning :)
Car park was busy, and there were plenty of people about, but the place is well laid out so nobody was ever in the way. There's so many monkeys in there there enough to keep everyone happy looking in different directions :)

At a constant walk it's probably about 15-20minutes all the way round the track.. we spent about 3-4 hours there total.. including a picnic.
Hi, first of all, Great shots there, really well taken

I have only just purchased a Canon 350D and i use it for Aircraft Photography, if you want some samples of my work, then please let me know.

Anyway i went to the monkey forest to test out mine, i had no idea what settings to use, so i would love to know what works best?

Here are my first ever shots away from the airport





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