Monocle me some 5.1s...

26 Aug 2004
Around £50 (could possibly go up to £70).

For music + film, but they don't have to be anything amazing.

Wireless rear speakers would be nice, but I doubt they're available at this price, so in that case the rear speaker cables would have to be fairly long.

Must be wall mountable.

Merci. :)
I know most people have a budget but on Sound City its like a competition to see who can quote the lowest budget possible whilst asking for 'best'.

£100 was amusing but £50?!

If you getting second hand then fair enough you may be able to grab a bargain i.e good quality speakers for a cheap price (<=100) but for new its a ludicrous budget. Your better off getting good headphones for this price.

I'm currently using some 6.1 Creatives that I bought quite a few years ago (think they cost something like £60-£80) and they sound great to me. Obviously they're not going to compare to something costing a few hundred, but for the price they're really good.

I already have some headphones (AKG 240S) which were about £70, so I can appreciate decent quality, although I'm by no means an audiophile.

These speakers are for part of a full system build for my sister anyway, so they don't need to be outstanding and I have to stick to a budget (and if you re-read my OP, nowhere in there did I ask for the "best").

Thanks for the suggestions jak731, I'll have a Google for some reviews :)
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