Monster Hunter World PC (The official?)

2 Jan 2008
Jersey, C/I
I could not find a thread in the first 6 pages of the games forums, so if there is one, my apologies and I shall try to delete this thread. But in case there's is not, I thought I'd start one.

Surprised no one has talked about this yet. it just released, a few hours ago, on steam. I got a cheap(ish) version for 36 GBP and thought I'd give it a try.

Played the game for about 20 minutes, first impressions of the game itself are good apart from issues with it being a port (when is there not issues with console ports!). Little graphical control, no Motion Blur and DoF settings, they are on all the time and DoF especially is turning the background to a pretty blurry mess. Mouse smoothing seems odd, again no settings I could spot. But biggest problem for me is no native 21:9 support, just black border in full screen or border-less window mode. Hopefully some of the community members will find a solution to this. Until then, I will probably not give it another try as I feel like I will spoil it.

If you have and played it, feel free to add your comments here on the game. Keep it clean and on point please. Cheers
After playing this game for @12+ hours, it is in my opinion a dreadful game in its current state. There are simply numerous problems (very poorly optimized for PC, hit boxes & hit detection is a complete joke, clipping scenery during fights ranges from poor to very poor, camera fixture and targeting will make you sick after a while as it switches and spins the camera so much during a fight it defies believe, choppy frame rates during fights even on a top end pc, very poor textures in many places especially when close up, spend more time on the ground/knocked down/stuck in scenery/waiting for some animation to finish before I can control my chr again mostly from 'shaky' cam as I cannot predict what the monster will do next and in which direction, often network issues drops you in the middle of doing things with a group, etc etc). The game has real potential, I like the open world, the way the game organizes you into monster quests & fetch quests, survival & gathering resources is done pretty good (apart from the TERRIBLE inventory system, not intuitive at all pretty much the opposite, spend way to much time to having to sort your inventory due to it being designed for controller ONLY and even then its still really poorly done) and overall story is not bad.

I should have known better, a title coming directly from console is never, or very very rarely, going to work well on the PC at its release. Alas I bought it cheaper from somewhere else which means I cannot refund this pile of monster poo. But that point is mute anyways cause the tutorial in the game takes 2+ hours so even if I bought it on steam, I would have run past the deadline once I gotten to the real game.

Overall, after the initial tutorial part and figuring out part, the game became a frustrated affair more and more so to the point where I no longer felt it was worth my time and effort. It needs some patching, as in its current state I would not recommend you touch this with a barge-pole. That opinion does not even take into account that I play with black bars on either side of my screen as it ONLY supports 16:9 resolutions, not 21:9 nor 16:10 nor proper 4k (from what I have read on forums anyways). A real shame that developers/publishers still think they can get away with porting over decent console titles to the PC without putting any real effort into the port itself leaving it in a terrible state with numerous problems and issues which can easily be resolved should they actually be bothered (but its all about the money!).

My 2cs.
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Regarding disconnect issues, something I caught on a forum somewhere but haven't tested myself. This apparently is a temporary fix for network issues:

'The fix I found online was to open these ports: TCP: 27015-27030 / 27036-27037 UDP: 4380 / 27000-27031 / 27036 as soon as I did this I haven't had a single disconnect. It might be worth a try for some of you running into issues.'
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