Monty Python - Prejudice

18 Oct 2002
Aranyaprathet, Thailand
I just saw this on Paramount Comedy.

Tonight's show comes live from the tiny village of Rabid in Buckinghamshire, and our first question tonight is from a Mrs Elizabeth Scrint who says she is going on a Mediterranean cruise next week and can't find anything wrong with the Syrians. Well, Mrs Scrint, apart from being totally unprincipled left-wing troublemakers, the Syrians are also born skivers, they're dirty, smelly and untrustworthy, and, of course, they're friends of the awful gippos. (applause) There you are, Mrs Scrint, I hope that answers some of your problems - have a nice trip. (more applause) Well now, the result of last week's competition when we asked you to find a derogatory term for the Belgians. Well, the response was enormous and we took quite a long time sorting out the winners. There were some very clever entries. Mrs Hatred of Leicester Said 'let's not call them anything, let's just ignore them' ... (applause starts vigorously, but he holds his hands up for silence) ... and a Mr St John of Huntingdon said he couldn't think of anything more derogatory than Belgians. (cheers and applause; a girl in showgirl costume comes on and holds up placards through next bit) But in the end we settled on three choices: number three ... the Sprouts (placard 'The Sprouts'), sent in by Mrs Vicious of Hastings... very nice ; number two..... the Phlegms (placard) ... from Mrs Childmolester of Worthing; but the winner was undoubtedly from Mrs No-Supper-For-You from Norwood in Lancashire... Miserable Fat Belgian ********. (placard; roar of applause) Very good - thank you, Carol. (Carol exits) But as you know on this programme we're not just prejudiced against race or colour, we're also prejudiced against - yes, you've guessed, stinking homosexuals! (applause) So before the streets start emptying in Chelsea tonight, Let's go straight over to our popular prejudiced panel game and invite you once again to - Shoot The Poof! And could our first contestant sign in please.

Cut to blackboard and entrance as they used to have in 'What's My Line'. A contestant comes from behind screen and starts to write his name.
Voice Over
Our first contestant is a hairdresser from...
A shot rings out and the contestant falls to the floor. Applause.

Unbelievable! Can you imagine trying to make that skit today? Personally I find it quite hilarious but "they" would never allow it today.
These days they won't even allow any of the Alf Garnett shows to be repeated. I remember being in hysterics at some of the lines he came out with.
Tru said:
Of course you'd get away with it, it's satire. Chris Morris has produced far more risqué material than that.

Precisely. Little Britain does the same with the less funny xenophobic/homophobic vomiting lady sketches.
Just watched this aswell.

Found it very very fuuny. :D

The sketch with the Robbin Hood style person was very funny aswell. :D

I love Monty Python.
Was watching an old Only Fools and Horses the other day and Del boy once or twice mentioned the **** shop

Get hung nowadays for that
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