Moody black and whites from Mull & Iona

27 Jul 2004
Here's a few from my recent trip to the Scottish Islands. The weather was mostly terrible, hence the black and white...

Went to see the sea eagles. Saw a sea gul instead :)





Enjoy. C&C welcome...
thelonecrouton said:
I love the expression on that seagull's face... :( ;)

He was being lured in by Walkers cheese and onion crisps on the top of a sea ferry at the time, so i think we can let him off for his expression :)
really like 2 & 4, the B&W really adds a lot to the shots

as us scots would say, the weather looks "dreich" :)
Great pics - I love the gull one, just a shame you clipped his wing! By the way, cant you tell us what technique you used to b&w these, I think you got a great effect.
nero120 said:
Great pics - I love the gull one, just a shame you clipped his wing! By the way, cant you tell us what technique you used to b&w these, I think you got a great effect.

I know :( , he was coming in so close and I had the zoom lens on so the clippage was unfortunate.

Technique for the black and whites - the gull pic has had very little done to it, just changed to black and white using the channel mix method in CS2. The other 3 have been HDR'd first of all as the weather was so dull, then converted to black and white using channel mixing, then basic curve stuff to boost contrast.
They print really well too (have just got an Epson r2400 which is great for B&W) - look much smoother than they do on screen.
I have an awesome colour print of those boats from a photo I took back in 2004. Lost the original in a HDD crash I think :mad:

Nice work with the B&W, I love Scotland. Never been abroad, but beach holidays aren't my thing unless I'm there to let the dogs have a run and a paddle (or if you're my labrador, a swim out to sea to fetch surfers).
Cheers for the nice comments folks. Here's one of the boats in colour too. Was such an obvious photo moment driving past I almost went off the road...


I think we have a new O RLY seagul
- eh? I don't get it :confused:
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