Moon landing coincidence?

29 Sep 2011
Monkey Island
I didn't realise this until recently, the moon landing was in July
July is the month of Cancer in sun signs(star signs,)
cancer is the sign that is ruled by the moon
the year the lander landed on the moon was 1969,
69 is the symbol for cancer,
epic coincidence or what?
fwiw, I think we landed on the moon I'm just amazed right now by the moon coincidences around the date, the date could not be more moonlike at all, if they are coincidences? maybe it was all just meant to be
(moon landing anniversery is on the 20th)
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29 Sep 2011
Monkey Island
This is why we should have IQ tests to vote.
I voted labour, am I thick?
our labour MP got in, just like like I voted for our local green councillor, who also got in (again) in the local elections too, I'm in an area where there is a block of local green councillors , who do great work, they saved the local outdoor pool, rescued the town hall, and refurbed the train station, and lobbied for an extra hourly train, which we now have,
and one of them saved a well known, much loved , local countryside pub, by turning it into a community owned pub, cleared and opened up bike lanes, they did it all,

the greens here did more good for the town in 8 years (first 2 terms) than the conservative councillors had done in over 20 years, who just let the place rot with total mismanagement! it was even discovereed that they were purposely running the lido down, to sell it for cheap to the next door river port for backhanders! everyone just votes green here in local elections now because of tallthis, the greens get things done!
I will probably vote labour again next time in the next general election to keep reform out, as a constituency near us went to reform

who did you vote for?
I read the manifestos, did you?
reform on paper was actually pretty good, tax breaks for NHS workers was a very good idea, but labour are right up there with the changes that I want to see, plus I wanted the conservatives out, like most sane people, so double bubble for me there, 'm very happy with the result, reform is a bit worrying, but at least they take conservative seats away from them
but har har, I get your joke, very Droll! have you thought about giving up work to become a full time internet comedian?
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29 Sep 2011
Monkey Island
to type all that out
I guess that I'm still lagging on current affairs, what would you like to talk about? football managers? american politics? how interesting ,a nd I'm well known to start rambling, it's just what my brain does after the stroke, my point was that I take voting seriously, and really think about it after getting Blair in on my first voting experience, I really do not think that starmer will make some of the mistakes that blair made,
meanwhile many people don't even vote, especially bizarre for females who had a women die, and women put in prison, etc to give them the vote, not to mention all the people who died to keep the country a free , and democratic one, mind you I'm sure that the battle for britain was a fun lark! wheee dakka dakka, wheee, oh no, everyone else is dead!
I'm not triggered, you wish!
Only special flakes of snow morons suggest that people have been triggered, stop projecting, I'm just talking about a subject that you brought up, it's called context.
I do note that you have not answered my question, are you scared of saying who you voted for? bit yellow?
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