Moore On "I, Robot 2" & "Galactica"

15 Jun 2006
t the Arclight Cinemas in Hollywood last night, producer Ronald D. Moore and some of the cast of "Battlestar Galactica" showed up for a Q&A event.

Collider got to speak to Moore who revealed that he just finished penning his draft of a script for a sequel to the Will Smith 2004 feature "I, Robot" but refused to comment further.

Moore also remains attached to the remake of John Carpenter's "The Thing", and confirmed that "Razor" will be the title of the upcoming 'Galactica' TV movie.

Meanwhile one spoiler was revealed in a several minute promo screened from the TV movie - the old 70's series model Cylons make an appearance. Glimpses will also be seen of the first human/Cylon war during the TV movie. There's hope that promo will appear online soon.
Why can't they just give new writers a chance of making a good film instead of copying past films. The Thing is a classic, it's one of the few films that after watching I could easily watch it again. John Carpenter has that certain style of his that sets his films apart from the rest.
The Thing, with modern day animatronics would be terrifying! The bit where the 'dog monster' opens up and the head grows legs still freak me out!
Nitefly said:
The Thing, with modern day animatronics would be terrifying! The bit where the 'dog monster' opens up and the head grows legs still freak me out!

Except they'll use CGI, which will ruin it.

Weebull said:
Is the BSG TV movie still based on the Pegasus then? That info kind of gives the impression it isn't.

razor could be name of another ship in the fleet?
Any releases reguarding what timescale it will be set in etc? Finding out they're making a tv movie has given me a bulge down below, haha
i robot was a really good film, i wasn't looking forward to seeing it at first, because of how weird the robots look (very timid compared to say Terminator :p )

hope the sequel is good :)
Linoge said:
Why can't they just give new writers a chance of making a good film instead of copying past films. The Thing is a classic, it's one of the few films that after watching I could easily watch it again. John Carpenter has that certain style of his that sets his films apart from the rest.
Totally agree.
In the last few years we have really seen JJ Abrahms and Joss Whedon come to fruition with very popular movie and in JJ's case, TV shows. Why not put more faith in the newer generation with original ideas instead of pumping cash into remakes no one really wants to see.
bledd. said:
i robot was a really good film, i wasn't looking forward to seeing it at first, because of how weird the robots look (very timid compared to say Terminator :p )

hope the sequel is good :)

It was a fairly good film...if you can totally forget the books and characters it was named after*.
Once I managed to do that I enjoyed it, I just had to totally forget it had any relation to the books.

I'm fairly sure we could probably have utilised Asimov's rotational motion to provide much of the worlds power when the film was released.

*Seriously, how the hell they went from the likes of Little Robot Lost, Runaround and Robbie to that film, let alone how they mangled Susan Kalvin (a character who in the books basically had little or no time for humans).
penski said:
but carpenter's thing is the only remake that is better than the original!


How about David Cronenberg's "The Fly" ? I think it's much better than the original. I think it works because it is so completely different from the original version.
Werewolf said:
It was a fairly good film...if you can totally forget the books and characters it was named after*.

didn't know any background to the film before hand, i just thought it was a cheap shot using the 'i'everything for the title :)

not seen you around for ages pal, we swim in different ponds now :p
I'm not too sure about different pools, just a large pond ;)

Asimov had the "i" thing decades before Apple started using it ;)
Clark Nova said:
How about David Cronenberg's "The Fly" ? I think it's much better than the original. I think it works because it is so completely different from the original version.

it was..until The Fly 2 was released. :(

As for I, Robot...

a very good film...

...if you have never heard the name 'Asimov', if you get rid of Will sodding Smith, and if you lose all the bloody product placement.


Meridian said:
Except they'll use CGI, which will ruin it.


More than likely :( . Whatever happens they must get Kurt Russell to star in it, not to mention his sombrero!

The Thing is a top film, but the re-remake will undoubtedly be utter drivel with a happy ending.
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