Moral Dillema!



2 Nov 2005
Ok ive been working for an IT company for around 7 months and my notice period is 1 month.

Today i get offered a job which is a fairly big payrise but they want me to start in under 2 weeks!

I also called in sick today in order to go to the interview. I dont want to let my current company down which i guess ive already done by calling in sick, what do i do? explain all to my boss and hope he understands... or tell the other company I have to work my months notice and probably not get the job. Argh why is nothing ever easy :mad:
Not sure if ive got any holiday I will have to find out.

I will also be phoning the guy i had the interview with today to see if this really is the case or if its just the recruitment agency trying to get me in asap.

Its a tough one... I could really do with the money but I also really dont want to let people down who have been good to me :(
dustiestrat said:
alright n3x hows it going not heard from u in time you already moving on from that job you aint been there long i lost your email. done any mods on your pc recently?

Alright sam, its been not so good unfortunately... i so wanna move on but cant see it happening now. company isnt keen on me not working my 4 weeks notice. I've done a few things, not got enough money at the moment to be doing anything much though :(
ok need some advice guys, ive handed my notice in to my current employer and they want me to work the full months notice if they cant find a replacement before hand, problem is the start date for my new job is 3 weeks away (i almost a week owed in holiday).

I cant afford to be out of a job in 4 weeks + i dont want to upset them. What would you do / say ?
frakker said:
I don't get it to be honest. If the other company want you, they should be prepared to wait the four weeks. If they don't then they're not being reasonable, unless you've been economical with the truth?

the other company wanted someone to start immediately but i said theres no way i can do that, i pushed as far as i could but 3 weeks is the best i could get out of them.
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