More annoying PC

18 Oct 2002
Somewhere in the U.K.
It was announced officially today that Peter Jackson is to remake the Dambusters film.

What may or may not be known is that Guy Gibsons dog, which was killed on the eve of the raid, was called "******".

This was used as one of the mission code words.

However the PC brigade are pushing for History to be rewritten and a different name to be used.

Bah Humbug
Am I the only one getting increasingly annoyed by the amount of "The PC Brigade strike again" threads, as if people feel OcUK is the one place everyone will jump on the bandwagon with them or something?

And do you have a source for "The PC Brigade are pushing for history to be rewritten"? More often than not these threads turn out to be gross exaggerations, just another reason why they are tiresome.
omg you said the N word.

the PC brigade need to notice that if the dam people of who that word refers to dont even care why do they???

they need to get a dam grip
Thats ridiculous, the dog is a part of history, film companies shouldnt be able to just fiddle names or remove quite important aspects of a true event. Either they should do it properly based on the facts, or dont do it at all.
Imagine a PC remake of the Bible.

And I'm not after any Bandwagon. I'm just annoyed that film companies feel they have to pander to the slightest PC whim and posting in the section that discusses films.

It may just be a dogs name but why disrespect History.

It's the same with those stupid contains scenes of "mild fantasy violence" screens they put on films now
I think that PC has gone too far these days.......but what kind of person calls his dog ******?

Its not like they are disrespecting history, but ****** is a derogatory word which offends people.
panthro said:
I think that PC has gone too far these days.......but what kind of person calls his dog ******?

Someone who lived 60 years ago when the Black People were still using different doorways, busses and schools to White People (in the US at least) and didn't have a lot of rights, so nobody really cared if they were offended.
panthro said:
I think that PC has gone too far these days.......but what kind of person calls his dog ******?

Its not like they are disrespecting history, but ****** is a derogatory word which offends people.
Yes it is now, but it has developed into a derogatory term (mostly on the back of the derogation of the black populus as a whole). It wasn't derogatory prior to the 50/60s, and you cannot retrospectively infer racism on the part of Gibson.

Having said that, since the word clearly does nowadays cause offence, there's no realistic harm going to be caused by omitting/changing the name from the movie (which after all is going to have large rewritings of history, more significant than this, for dramatic effect - the makers are not filming a documentary after all) - though I would rather they just omitted it rather than actively changing the name
panthro said:
I think that PC has gone too far these days.......but what kind of person calls his dog ******?

Its not like they are disrespecting history, but ****** is a derogatory word which offends people.

It is now, but it may not have been so offensive in the past. A good example of this is that the word 'black' used to be offensive in 20s America whereas 'coloured' was the preferred term, whereas now it is almost the reverse.

I don't think ****** is a nice word, but I also value historical accuracy
If this story hadn't been picked up on, the funny thing is that most people wouldn't have had a clue what the original name was. Yes, history is being "rewritten", but it's only changing a name, which is surely a minute part of the story? What's so outrageous about that? Surely it's best to avoid offending people, instead of trying to retain a pretty whimsical piece of "history"?

retribution said:
If this story hadn't been picked up on, the funny thing is that most people wouldn't have had a clue what the original name was. Yes, history is being "rewritten", but it's only changing a name, which is surely a minute part of the story? What's so outrageous about that? Surely it's best to avoid offending people, instead of trying to retain a pretty whimsical piece of "history"?

Yeah I reckon we should save our indignation for the bit of the film where the plucky, but hapless Brits go and bomb the wrong dam/get shot down/etc - but luckily the courageous, fearless americans save the day and simultaneously win the whole war in one fail swoop :p
panthro said:
I think that PC has gone too far these days.......but what kind of person calls his dog ******?

Its not like they are disrespecting history, but ****** is a derogatory word which offends people.

It was a rather differant world back then, and given that some black cultures refer to themselves as ******* i'd be inclined to face the wrath of a few white pedants with nothing better to do.

****** is not a nice word, and i don't use it myself but the film will have more credibility if certain pieces of history are left intact and given the overall significance of the dog's name it should be left.

At the end of the day what is it that offends? The fact that 65 years ago a man dared to call his dog a racially provocative name, or that we still know that he did it?
Who cares what the damn dog is called? If this is really going to ruin the film for you then you're a lot more uptight that these mythical PC warriors you speak of.

I'd like to think the human race is more enlightened than it was 50 years ago, if the price for that is re-writing some irrelevant minutiae in a film then that's fine with me.

To be honest - as Peter Jackon is doing the film the dams will probably collapse before the bombs have been dropped....

Oh...that and terrible CGI

An whats wrong with keeping the dog's name as ******?
I've seen his gravestone and it's beautifully looked after.

*note - that is not where he is buried - thats now under one of the hangers that was used by the Vulcans when they were at Scampton*

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