More dvds ive ordered

22 Oct 2004
The Rock
Good Will Hunting
Bourne identity
Bourne Supremacy
Million Dollar Baby
The Grudge 1 and 2

Never seen any of these films except The Rock and The grudge are all the rest a good buy.
Ive just ordered 3 more dvds
Master And Commander: The Far Side Of The World

I watched the trailer for Solaris and it looked really interesting.
Doom it looks pretty good from the the trailer and some of the monsters i saw they look like off a video game or something?
Master And Commander must be good as its got my mate Russell.
So far ive watched:
Equilberuim: started off quite well setting the scene then the first fight scene came up and looked pants. But after that the fight scenes were brilliant i really enjoyed it. 8/10

Good Will Hunting: From start to finish it had me fascinated, and i really enjoyed robin williams role as the physciatrist especially in one scene " its not your fault" repeating until Will crumbled. 10/10
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