More from today testing the bigma

3 Oct 2003
More testing of the bigma. Only levels and resize for web no sharpening
All @500m
C&C welcome




100% crop
There were taken on a tripod right ? I only ask because the shutter speeds are very slow i.e. one photo is 1/40 @ 500mm.

The photos are sharp anyway :)
I know they are only test shots but you need to control the highlights. All of those are show a lot of overexposure.
No tripod. I know the highlights are blown but I used spot metering and the sun was behind so most of the shots were on the shadow side of the birds.It was only to test the sharpness of the lens and none of these have had any usm.Just a small amount of levels and resize for web.
This is my second one so have had a year to get used to it and it does take some getting used to but can be done more by luck than any thing tho.Being 6ft and large build does help plus being ex army and a shooter helps as well.But as I say luck more than anything.
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