More increases in living costs to come yet..!!

12 May 2005
Don't know what to say about this really, but if the current trend to increase living costs like this continues then I'll soon be living in the red, despite being very frugal with my money.

I try and save, only have the heating on when I need it, energy saving lights, turn off lights when not needed. I had to work a few hours extra this month to help pay for the winter gas bill, despite saving a few extra quid each month as I knew it would be high.

I gotta admit, even though I know fossil fuels are not endless, I'm now getting worried about how my mum is going to cope. She's already starting to live in colder conditions so she can eat. I'm now thinking about moving her into my home to try and make it more affordable.

I know this is a controversial statement, but why is this country getting so expensive, yet so horrid to live in? I'm slowly getting sick of the UK, and I used to be so proud of this country.

It's not just raising fuel prices; a lot of stuff is starting to bug me. But this latest news is no surprise I guess. But, ouch.!!

Sad news really, as I do try and save. But this is really going to hurt. Now, what leg can I sell, or perhaps I can give Power Gen an arm...

And I know there are reasons for this, but after hearing about some of the profits made, it does make you sick a little....
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Well, I’m not going to profess to me knowing what the problem is, but there is something very wrong. I’m not advocating that EVERYONE has the right to afford a home, but just lately it appears no one can afford a first time home.

Owning a home is muted as a privilege and not a right. Heard this many times before, but even if you rent, with the increases in living costs, taxes etc, just how does anyone start to even save for a home.

I really do feel sorry for the less fortunate who are on much lower wages then me. I’ll speak with my mum tonight, and see if she wants to move into our house as I’m so concerned she is starting to skimp to try and save. I know she is already starting to struggle. She lives on her own, and I can’t bear to think she is starting to struggle paying for essentials.

Average house price in my area is now around 160K, the less desirable areas around 100k for a run down ex council shack, where if you leave your car outside, don’t expect to find it there the next morning…

I can’t afford either. Buying a house is the last thing on my mind, I’m more concerned about keeping us, and my mum warm and out of the red.
I merely posted this to point out that again, that living costs in the UK are increasing by large margins, and the topic has now started to talk about housing, BoE rates, VAT etc..

Which is good, as this is a debate. I think the point where we have made it worse for ourselves by being snobbish is valid in someway. I myself would rather rent in a “nice” area then buy in an area where I might get mugged or have my car stolen.

However, I can’t even afford this now. And with the increases in fuel charges, water charges, taxes etc it is now getting harder to save for your first home. I have done no studies into the affect of house prices v living costs to help sustain any argument by me, so I perhaps cannot make comments on this topic.

However, buying a home for me at the moment is something neither me nor my partner have any say in, as we simply know that with our combined earnings we stand little to no chance of buying. We have very little in savings, but renting has never bothered either of us, as we have a dry roof over our heads, and this is more important then being the “owner” or paying a mortgage on a property.

But I do feel this country is escalating out of control with living costs. A point that has already been made with some of your figures already quoted. And this bothers me, as I have chosen not to buy, as I know I can’t afford it, but I do need to keep warm, and I do all I can to save energy, and yet prices are increasing. I don’t know what else I can do to try and help the problem. They save try and save 20%, and I did this towards the end of last year where I calculated average usage from the previous year. And by me attempting to save, my units consumed has gone down, but bills are not decreasing.

Anyhow, I wasn’t looking to create arguments just feel there is a “little” greed by energy companies going on here.
Borris said:
I found your post brainless, childish, ill-concieved, poorly executed, and ultimately a waste of space.

Unfortunately, I also found it on my monitor.

Woah.. Easy. Let’s not get carried away. I understand this could be a sensitive issue, but let’s not make enemies. Or upset. It’s good to get this out in the open, as I’m sure many will be exploding with the cost of living. I know I am. Chill. :-)

But, yes I can’t help feel that the high street will feel this soon, if not already. We already see many shops closing, consumers demanding cheaper products. If recession does hit the UK, and it might then that will be it for some time. I do worry about the future of the UK. It’s all very precarious at the moment I feel.
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