more problems!

28 Nov 2003
Manchester, UK

Abit KR7A-Raid
Athlon XP1900
GF4 Ti4200

I posted on here recently, because I was having a problem with the above components, the system wouldnt boot. Once I switched the PSU on the mobo light would come on however, no fan would spin, it was totally dead. It turns out the problem was the PSU, a mate tested it for me and concluded the PSU was faulty.

So, I now have a new PSU in there, it fixed the problem.. sort off!

Everything starts up now when I 'jump start' it, the mobo fan is spinning, the cpu fan is spinning, BUT there is nothing at all on the screen. There is also no beep.

Now, I have got 3 Abit (socket A) motherboards here, I have afew athlon cpu's, I have 1 stick of 512mb ecc ddr ram and also for testing purposes iv tried using my own ram (1 stick of 1GB OCZ) but I cannot get the system to work. Iv tried different cpu's on different motherboards, also trying both the sticks of ram etc.

One thing iv noticed is that when I switch the PSU ON, an orange light comes on the motherboard, when I start the system up a green light comes on, but just before it does a red light flashes! This happens on both the motherboards, what does this mean? The monitor is plugged into the gfx card yet there is nothing at all on the screen. Does anyone have any idea before I smash this thing to pieces :)

PS. I fried my first athlon cpu last night, nice little pop sound followed by a burning smell :o
Well if you have tried several combinations of motherboards, CPUs and RAM this points to either your graphics card [assuming you havent tried others] or your PSU...

Get a PSU KNOWN to be working and try it on your system and see what happens.

sry if you have done this, but have you connected the 4 pin extra power connector?

Also, what psu do you have, does the PSU support whatever input voltage you have in your country?

Sound tho like broken PSU, need more info, so please if you can, brand and model of your PSU :p

EDIT: nvm about the 4 pin xtra power, I see from a pic (unless im missing something) that your mobo doesnt have one, so...
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Snowdog, the athlon XP's dont' have 4 pin power connectors, they were first introduced on the A64 chips of AMD.

e36Adz, if you are trying the XP1900 in in 2 mobo's and getting the same results, then I would say that that chip is fried. Have you tried other CPU's in the Abit KR7A-Raid mobo, as if no chip is working in that board, then the mobo would scream faulty to me.

Also like said above, try a different GFX,as I can't really see it being a PSU problem, as they don't necessary require a big PSU, as I had a XP2400 with 2 hard drives, 2 cd-rom drives, SB5.1 sound card, 1 Gb ram and FX 5900xt card with xtra molex connector plugged on a dare I say it Qtec Gold 400W and I played games, encoded and left it on quite often over night and it was rock solid for 2 years, and the qtec is still working, just not in that machine now.
acharris said:
Snowdog, the athlon XP's dont' have 4 pin power connectors, they were first introduced on the A64 chips of AMD.

e36Adz, if you are trying the XP1900 in in 2 mobo's and getting the same results, then I would say that that chip is fried. Have you tried other CPU's in the Abit KR7A-Raid mobo, as if no chip is working in that board, then the mobo would scream faulty to me.

Also like said above, try a different GFX,as I can't really see it being a PSU problem, as they don't necessary require a big PSU, as I had a XP2400 with 2 hard drives, 2 cd-rom drives, SB5.1 sound card, 1 Gb ram and FX 5900xt card with xtra molex connector plugged on a dare I say it Qtec Gold 400W and I played games, encoded and left it on quite often over night and it was rock solid for 2 years, and the qtec is still working, just not in that machine now.

The PSU can be perfectly adequate for the task at hand, but that means diddly-squat if its knackered :p

Ok, the PSU that I bought as a replacement is nothing special at all, cheapo job tbh but its a very basic system with just 1 dvd drive and 1 hard drive, and nothing is overclocked.

This is the one: 500W Quiet ATX PSU 20 - 24 Pin Connector

Iv tried afew combinations of cpus/motherboards/ram, the only thing I havent tried is another gfx card, so that seems like the most likely cause now. Thing is its been working fine for afew months, I cant see how its just died, unless ofcourse the old PSU decided to take the gfx card with it on its way out! :eek: Thats the next thing il have to try then, cant believe I just recently sold two geforce 3's I had lying about, if anyone has a cheap gf2/3 going let me know :p

I have tried everything else I can think off, resetting the cmos, taking everything out of the case so its just the main components connected etc If it turns out the gfx card isnt the problem I really do not know what im gonna do after that.

Anyway thanks for the help, il bump the thread back up if the gfx card doesnt sort it :)
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