More RAM or dummy RGB RAM - Advice please ?

17 Feb 2009
Got 2x8GB RGB 3600mhz Vengeance today and very happy with it.

Obviously I have 4 slots ( 2 left ) and wondering whether it would be best ( for RGB sake ) to get 2x Dummy RAM for £30. Or get some real RAM for £100 ( 2x8GB )

I know i'd never use above 8GB anyway as I only game ( even cyberpunk only uses 50% of my 16GB ram at the most )
So it would probably be best to just get the dummy RGB ram as I won't need any extra RAM anyway ?

Any advice ?
I know you're not supposed to mix and match but even though my RAM aren't all from one kit it's ok right? One pack of 2x8 and another pack of 2x8...
According to BIOS and task manager it's running at 3600mhz

All the RAM have the same model number, speed, latency, size, brand etc
It will be fine as long as the furthest you go is XMP with regards to overclocking, at least on Intel. Having different batches, means it's a pita to overclock and get matching timings.

Ok thanks ! Yeah not interested in overclocking, I use XMP profile.

XMP is basically a setting to make the RAM run as fast as it safely can, right ?
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