More x-fi problems

7 Mar 2011
Hey all,

Im new to this site so hey = D

Iv spent countless hours searching the depths of the internet for answers or possibly a mircal.
I have RE-installed wins 7 64-bit to have yet again problems with my x-fi card which came with my asus crosshair 3 formula mobo. When i first used this card with wins 7 it dident like it but managed to get the card working as it should ( able to use creative console + features )

But for some reason i cannot get the card to function as it should e.g. 5.1 surround not working unable to use creative console features. in device manager it shows to sound devices 1. high def audio device ? 2. Soundmax intergrated digital HD audio but no X-Fi

I have tried using creative drivers no luck.... says it cant find the supported device ?

sound works but through the X-fi card which isnt listed on device manager ? this confuses me..lots

Im also very confused to why the card says supremeFX X-Fi while the CD says X-Fi Xtream audio...... ?

Overall i hate Creative very much...but as times are tight i have to make do..
*next im thinking Asus sound cards*

Any help is welcome

Thanks = D
thanks you all for the information, all very handy to know.

I downloaded that softwear that fs123 recommend and it dident work, thanks anyways.

Il try finding these 'unoffical drivers', i dout they will work but worth a go.

Cant remeber how i managed to get my sound card to work before when i installed wins 7 rather anoying haha.

Im thinking of getting another sound card, possibly an asus card, what would you all recomend for lots of music and a fair bit of gaming (BFBC 2) on a 5.1 sound system ?

thanks for your input everyone.

Went onto asus support looked for my mobo (because the card game with it) and found out that you have to install soundmax drivers which asus provide on their website and then under utilitys ? the X-fi softwear pack.

unistalled everything first rebooted then installed soundmax drivers then rebooted once again and then installed x-fi drivers then joy!! all the creative features work = D

thanks to everyone who helped
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