Morning (10:30) sky

5 May 2004
Northern Ireland
This was taken at 10:30 ish this morning. I exposed for the sky and have burnt only a slight bit of the building in CS2. Then used the auto levels to create the sky.

Comments welcome.


I saw the evening sun hitting my guitar tonight and shot the picture. 15mins later the scene was lost. I exposed for the sun light. The dark area at the bottom is meant for a band's name as I had post processed this speficaty for an advert for a bands gig.

Comments welcome.



Colin_da_Killer said:
The sky doesn't do anything for me but I love the guitar photo, very nicely edited and think it would make a great poster / flyer / leaflet for a band!

Can I ask why it doesn't do anything for you? Is it the post processing or is the problem with the actual composition etc?

thanks for the comments so far, keep them coming.

Colin_da_Killer said:
It's just a bit bland is all, I don't find the sky that interesting and I think the silouette is too harsh if that makes sense?

Ok thanks for the comment. Yeah it makes sense. Do you feel that some of those comments could be put into practise in post processing? If so then you are welcome to edit the image and have a go.


Colin_da_Killer said:
edit: I just realised what is bugging me and it is the angle of that tower, just seems out of place and that it should be straighter.

It was that angle mate. I'll dig out the original.

Edit: Unprocessed.


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