Most influence artists.

21 Apr 2004
My missus has a music project coming up, and she'd love some opinions on what some people think who are the greatest influences on music throughout the ages.






We've threw names back and fourth quite a bit, but I'm not into music as much as her, so some feedback from some people who are should give her some ideas and better perspective. It can be single artists or groups.

Cheers. :)
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I think Sinatra should be in there somewhere, but he's more 30's/40's. For the 60's I think a lot of people would consider the Beatles to be the most influential - although I'm really not a fan.

I'm the same - I don't know too much about music, but it would be nice to see opinions.
1950s - Buddy Holly, Elvis, Little Richard
1960s - Dylan, Beatles, Byrds, Beach Boys
1970s - Velvet Underground, Zeppelin
1980s - Joy Division, Kraftwerk
1990s - Pixies, Pavement, Nirvana

Those are just a few that spring to mind. You could probably spend hours making a more comprehensive list.
50's - Sinatra, Dean Martin, Johnny Cash, Billie Holiday, Tony Bennet

60's The Rolling Stones, The Beetles, Miles Davis (maybe the 50's too), Eric Clapton

70's - Areosmith, Led Zep, Skynyrd, Billie Joel, Bee Gees, Bruce Springsteen, Creedence Clearwater, The Who, The Police

80's - Guns 'n' Roses, Depeche Mode, The Beastie Boys, NWA, Run DMC, Frankie Knuckles, David Morales, Juan Atkins, Michael Jackson

90's - Nirvana, Rage Against The Machine, Oasis (not worldwide granted), The Levellers (Least to me, they where the kings of Glastonbury at one point), Snoop, Pac, RHCP

Plus lots more lol

Edit, also AC/DC
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Is this a "Who do you think are?" or "Who do you think IS?" question?

1950s is obviously Elvis

1960s is obviously The Beatles

1970s is probably Led Zeppelin

1980s, 1990s - no idea.
1980's - Grandmaster Flash and the Furious 5, Kraftwerk, New Order, Faith no More, Pixies, NWA
1990's - Aphex Twin, Cypress Hill, Korn, RATM, Prodigy, Smashing Pumpkins
80's - Frankie Goes To Hollywood

Influenced pop culture with the Frankie Say t-shirts. Everybody wore them in the summer of '84.

Kicked off the 12'' remix in a way that had never been seen before....I think Relax had 26 official mixes available.
IIRC, this then changed the way singles were counted for the charts, this was then changed to only 3 versions.

Relax changed BBC policy on banned records...they realised it made the record more popular.

Only the second band in history to occupy the top two chart positions at the same time...the other was The Beatles.

Probably the most remixed band in the world.
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50's - Chuck Berry, Little Richard and Buddy Holly
60's - Pink Floyd, Cream and The Doors
70's - Sex Pistols, Motorhead and T-Rex
jimi hendrix,the who,rolling stones,..... i think they were 60s not sure about the who but i think they were around the same time as hendrix in the 60s?
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Tom Waits, Steve Reich, Adams/Cage/Riley/Varèse and more than any one else (at least in an academic sense) Karlheinz Stockhausen, bloomin eck. No dates because I'm off out lol.
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