Most popular arma 3 MP game type ?

31 Jan 2011
OK so i run a server for arma 3, Its been rather quiet recently with only the usual half a dozen coming on. Its an invade and annex server and used to get quite popular but i guess its just not for some reason any more.

So im thinking of changing the game type to one that is more popular. What do people play game mode wise when playing arma ? I love the tactical side to invade but open to other ideas.
Sa-matra King Of The Hill is quite popular but I don't play it, I mainly play Sa-matra Chernerus Wasteland.

Unfortunately in order to get server binaires you have to be trusted, but I suggest you give those a go as a player.
Yeah all I pretty much play is KoTH as it has loads of players on, thats why tbh. I won't touch a game/server thats not very populated. ARMA maps are way too big for low levels of players to make it fun.
To be honest any mission that you run you need the player base to attract more players just as Spuddy said. Once people see a server populated they will start to join even if they have no idea what the mission is.
arma 3 koth infantry only servers CA#2 and the EU one are the best as they both 1st person only.

vehicle koth has it's place but imo requires no skill to sit there with a thermal scope in a vehicle

Just filter "infantry" in arma 3 launcher and you'll find them
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cheers guys, Will look into those suggestions. I ran the server a while back and it got quite popular (would often fill all 50 slots) but since bringing it back struggle to get more than 10 on of an evening
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