Moterway speed limits.

15 Jun 2005
Swindon, UK
Motorway speed limits.

At what speed would they get you on the moterway and NSL dual carraige way.

Was doing 75 indicated upto one on the A419 earlier, is this classed as within the 10%?
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its stupid though, i was overtaking other cars, and hate sitting in the outside lane. So you speed up a little to clear the line of cars, then you see the scum on the bridge, was quite far away from them.

Hopefully i'll be alright, only been driving 6 months and many times think have i been done, but nothings ever come of it.
NickXX said:
Ah yeah, forgot what this thread was about!

I imagine you'll be fine. If you were doing an indicated 75, it's likely that in reality you were doing 70mph or even less.

Thanks for that! Just seems people are using this thread to show off all there cars.

I feel safe driving my rover 214 at 90 then the steering is impossible!
droolinggimp said:
A wet road has water on it and a dry road doesnt

Maybe if it had been raining ealier, and then stopped, How long is it wet for?

Would never work, just to have it at 80 mph and let people drive to the conditions is better, as people shouldnt really drive at 70 now if its pouring down.
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