motherboard = New “Microsoft: Upgraded windows Licence”

18 Oct 2002
i was browsing on bluesnews today and noticed the above link.

as i bought my copy of Xp home edition from ocuk
( and ocuk being a site from many up-graders) will i *not* be able to use the o/s if i switch mobos ie. agp mobo to my next mobo being pci-express mobo ?
tmileson said:
This is not a change and has always been the case.

If you buy an OEM PC the OEM license is tied to the PC. If you buy an OEM license with hardware it's tied to that hardware.

Surely it must have occured to people that an OEM version of Windows was just that, designed for OEMs and was half the price for a reason?

dunno about being half the price compared to retail...Oi! spie i wants me money back ;)
Posted by tmilesone.
"If you buy an OEM PC the OEM license is tied to the PC. If you buy an OEM license with hardware it's tied to that hardware."

so....what happens if the Win Xp o.e.m License is not sold with any hardware ?
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