Motion Sickness i games!

27 Jan 2005
Expat in HK
Dammit, just installed HL2 and i just come off with a killer headache and the feeling of wanting to be sick. Nice.

Strange, i've never had a problem with the original Half Life, nor any other FPS bar Painkiller. I wonder what the dealio is?

edit: Just played CS:Source and everything is FINE! G'argh to this human defect!

Also, apologies for thread spelling, double G'argh... PIRATE PETE!
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The fov 90 command did the trick! Playing it in all its 1600x1200 4x AA, 16x AF GLORY! Nice.
As aforementioned, try typing in the console, "sv_cheats 1" and then "fov 90." Also add "default_fov 90" in the config.cfg just as a second measure. It doesn't work for some, but it worked so i was just able to compensate for the amount of motion.
fullfat said:
only case ive had is with painkiller, not the first time i played it but the 2nd a year or so later which was weird

Yeah, that and HL2 for me. Definitely the game and not us then. :D

I'm gonna see if there is a way to change Painkiller's FOV as changing it in HL2 made the game playable for me.
I have never experienced the problem with games other than FPS, but the other week I installed the Fakefactory Cinematic mod for HL2 and i was experiencing the motion sickness much less, if not at all with some sessions. The last time i felt considerably ill was round a mates where i was the mini gunner in BF2. If anything is going to give you motion sickness, that will!
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