Moto GP @ Donny 01/07/06

23 Jun 2005
Just sorting through the 600 or so pics i have taken so far at yesterdays practice and qualifiying sessions.

Here is a pic of the great Valentino Rossi which i am very pleased with :)

will post some more later hopefully, im still recovering from some very bad sunburn :(
^^Gord^^ said:

A friend of mine manages to get sunburnt at Goodwood each year, especially funny as he wears sunglasses all day so he looks like a panda for a week after :D

@antc, nice panning technique. From the EXIF I see it's your 100-400 L IS. What mode did you use the IS in?

i had the IS is mode 1.

@ sleepyd, managed to get away without panda eyes or camera marks on my face, dont ask me how :D

what with all the extra fencing up even the 100-400 wasnt really long enough.

just watched the race, didnt take long for the crowd to demolish the extra fencing to swamp the track after pedrosas victory lol
Takhisis said:
Thanks for that - I had to tape it - wasn't expecting spoliers in the photography forum :(

well, as its a thread about moto gp its not entirely unexpected is it :rolleyes:
lukechad said:
Excellent photo there! I would have loved to have been there today! :(

It would have been, there were absolutely loads of peeps there from what i saw on the tv, supposed to be 100,000+

no good for taking photographs as was said in my other thread.
SDK^ said:
Nice sharp photo but it looks like he's on a slow 'warm up lap' as he's not crouched down.

damn, you caught me there ;)

yeah he was actually blue flagged after one of his hot laps so he was just letting someone else through on a flying lap
busterboy said:
Is it me or has the shot lost its correct dimensions while resizing. :confused:

It looks too short and cramped somehow although the shot is quite sharp.

He did well today again eh?? What a star that guy is.. ;)

you might be right.

does this look any better

first one was 800x600, this one is 800x533 may have knocked auto size contraints when i resized it

and yes, rossi did a fantastic job today, was a thrilling last few laps between himself and marco melandri!!
here are more shots as promised





madmaca said:
Great looking shots fella - very sharp indeed! :)

Any tips for a fast panning novice? My shots came out a little blurred :(

*edit - what a race eh?! An awesome event throughout :)

thanks for the comments everyone.

as for tips, this is a tricky one to be fair, for me i have the advantage of IS on my 100-400 whch helps out a bit, but when i first started off panning i just had a 70-300 sigma so i cant put it all down the the IS.

basically for me, my tips would be lots of practice, i always use centre spot focusing and ai servo (keep the shutter button pressed half way while tracking the subject) and have a smooth action, try and steady yourself, maybe have your arm resting on the side of your body and twist from the waist to follow your subject. oh yes, and more practice, i cant emphasise this enough, i was rubbish at it when i first started, but kept going and got much better over time.

thats my 2p worth anyway, hope this helps :)
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