MotoGP URT 3

Man of Honour
25 Oct 2002
Recently I have been playing quite a bit of MotoGP3, and I'm very impressed. There's some very nice tracks (some of the 'extreme' ones are particularly stunning) and plenty of variety, graphically it looks good and best of all, even in 1600x1200 max setting max AA/AF the framerate never budges from it's cap of 60fps. It's quite pleasant to play a genuinely smooth racer even with a full grid, and using my analog Sidewinder pad the controls feel fairly fluid as well.

Now, I've always been one from the arcade school of racing, you know, keeping it floored as I power round bends and bouncing off the walls, but this game actually gets me enjoying the art of braking. The bend warnings have a nice feature, changing colour to red if the game things you are coming in too fast for the given corner. Physics in crashes seems pretty good too.

The soundtrack is also superb - a few of the tracks would definitely justify a place on a commercial album release. They are also in .ogg format so you can easily play them from outside the game.

All in all I found this game a big improvement on MotoGP2 which I found rather dull. The various career modes help things emmensely and I'd say this is probably the best racer I've played this year.
Hi, I played MOTO GP3 for a while and the braking help is good, BUT, it takes all skill away, you just don't have to think about bends at all. Was a laugh for a while though!
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