Motorbike filtering...

1 Dec 2006
Amsterdam, NL
Why are cagers, sorry, car drivers so MEAN?

I just popped out on the bike to get some tobacco, was filtering through some traffic (urgh) and it got a little tight, so i stopped and looked over my right shoulder to the car behind me, he signalled to let me in, so I thanked and held my position until it was clear, traffic moving forward again, i kept between lanes as I knew the lights would go back to red before I could get to them.

The guy on my left in front saw me and literately pulled in closer to the right creating such a small gap, maybe a foot wide between him and a lorry in the right hand lane.... What is the point? He kept looking in his mirror all smug...

So as the traffic started rolling again, I simply mirrored him as I went past. Meaning yes, I was so outraged at this selfishness and stupidity I slung my left fist down and knocked his tacky mirror off his 'chav' pimped out corsa.

**** tbh.

Now, I don't know what it's like for cagers seeing bikers filter as I have a fear of driving cars and grew up around bikes, so no, I can't drive a car.

Seriously though, why did he do that? I wasn't sat there revving my engine or pushing through, I simply didn't want to squeeze so sat back until traffic started to flow again...


No, because the acne ridden 16 year old was acting like a child almost knocking me off my bike and causing an accident because what? No excuse...

Mirror was still hanging, so he didn't lose it, but serves him right in my eyes, if he had hit me and I had dropped my bike onto someone elses car then he would have been in a lot more trouble... IF he would have stopped that is, which is very unlikely.

I know, it was stupid and irrisponsible, should not have thrown a tempter like that. But it really does get to me, all these arrogant kids on the roads today.

The attitude toward motorcyclists in this country is generally poor.

Elsewhere you will find car drivers much more considerate and helpful. In France for example, it's not too uncommon for car drivers to move over in their lane to allow you to filter past. Providing you recognise their gesture with a wiggle of your boot, everyone is happy.

It seems that us Brits can't bare to see someone else getting an advantage, particularly when ir comes to driving.

I agree, spent a week in france on the bike several months back, it was bliss, everyone was polite, at some points talking to people in their cars at lights having a laugh! Even to the point of them pointing us in a direction of a decent road!

I never push my limits when filtering, if someone doesnt want to let me through, I don't mind. But no need to move into the middle of 2 lanes just to prove that point.

I always thank car drivers for giving me a little hand in passing by. It's a nice and polite thing, a lot of respect to those who do it. Although, if you see a biker shake his head after passing its probably because you just kicked up a huge stone/dust cloud pulling over on a country lane to let him pass lol.

He probably did get my plate, but judging by the attitude, stench of smoke coming out of the car, looks of his car, cheapness and lack of class/manors, I can only assume his intellect is lower than average therefore no memory what so ever.

As soon as I saw the term 'cager' used, it conjured up someone with the same demeanour as an SWA (Short with Attitude).. And all sympathy flies out of the window, even 'if' the car driver did move over deliberately, or like occurs 99.999% of the time they just haven't seen you and are listening to Radio 1 drifting legally all over their lane.

Well, 1) I'm 6'2" tall 2) I filter no faster than walking pace as all it takes is someone to move over slightly to knock you off 3) i was sat stationary when said chav did this 4) he saw me and knew I saw him look at me as visor was up 5) not hard to distinguish the stench of weed, dreadful stuff 6) I never show agression on the roads as its a pointless practise, but in this case he deserved it.

I give up justifying that some idiot on the road got what he had coming to him, and apologise to anyone that may be offended by my attitude. I will back away from the thread now.


edit: just to show another reason towards my anger given to this muppet, would it be a different game if he had (probably has done) the same at 40 whilst a biker goes to over take? Knocks the biker off and causes a fatal accident? Just a thought.
This whole event is basically a lack of understanding and respect from both parties, lets hope that;

a) You learn to control your temper and appreciate that there are always going to be idiots on the road

b) Said Chav doesn't think to give the next innocent biker he sees a little revenge nudge :(

Agree, thinking about my action it was rather stupid and reckless, I should have just shouted don't swear. FF. as I went past.

I can only hope he has learnt to be less arrogant.

I don't mean the term 'cager' in an offensive way, just a nickname, for example, bikers being organ donors lol. No offence intended.

You really think that the two incidents are even vaguely similar? Really?

Yes, unfortunatly they are.

Difference is in speed only.

Not sure if you ride bikes, but I have had a few car drivers do this to me, as I normally sit back until the car driver is fully aware of my intentions then move out and I have had several cases and so have my mates who I ride with along the A33 mostly when a car driver is in the left lane, we go past and he pulls into the right lane to stop us going by, trying to antagonise us into a 'race' or annoy us. Common to be honest.

I have to say I never use the word "cager" but that's because I just find it weird. :)

I guess if I drove I would as well lol. I tried driving a few times with BSM, each time I just got cold sweat and shivers, genuine fear... I can be a passenger no problem, odd really.

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