Motorcyclists Matter

3 Jan 2005
Can't see this posted anywhere else


Motorcyclists account for 1% of all road traffic in the UK, but shockingly account for 20% of fatalities.

What is even scarier is that prospective car drivers can currently pass their test without answering a single motorbike-related question.

Bennetts have launched a Government petition to ensure bike-related questions are made compulsory in all UK driving tests.

To have this matter raised in the House of Commons 100,000 signatures are required. We need your help.

Please sign the petition now: and share this link with your family and friends
What sort of questions, I can't see this helping. What would a relevant question be? Look in blind spot for us?

Most of is due to not being strapped into a safety cell.
Sorry I'm probably being thick (long long day) but what sort of questions should car drivers have to answer? The highway code is the highway code isn't it?

The statistic isn't a nice one but is to be expected seen as you don't have a metal cage with air bags galore surrounding you. I was happy enough with the training I received and I'm fairly happy with my roadcraft and general riding ability, its the other road users that scare the poop out of me. How else can we lower these stats?

Give us your opinion Hornett as well as posting the snippet.
To be honest I haven't been riding long enough to have an opinion from a bikers point of view.

But I do think it would be a good idea for new drivers to have a better understanding of the "other" forms of transport. Having driven for 13 years and ridden to work for the last 2 and now finally riding a motorbike. There does seem to be a lack of respect from people in cars.

I didn't even know bikes where allowed to "filter" until I read about it as a biker
You can ask the guy that pulled out on me to actually See with his eyes rather than just glance them about. :D

Apparently in Casualty Departments the Doctors call us Motorcyclists > Organ Donors :eek: + :p
Well having lived out in the UAE for the past month... I can say the driving standards over here are beyond awful. I want a motorbike here but would fear for my life 10x more than the UK. Manoeuvre, mirror then signal (if you're lucky) seems to be the procedure for changing lanes. Its a free for all expect the unexpected. Undertaking, overtaking, undertaking on the hard shoulder, tailgating 3" from your bumper, racing down the motorway... hilarious. :eek::rolleyes:

For me, just keep your concentration and awareness up to give yourself the best chance possible of not being taken out from a side road and the like. Defensive riding, create your own safety bubble and all that. Anyway... you lot dont need to hear this sort of thing from me so I'll shut up :)
The only way drivers will ever have any consideration for bikers as a whole is if they are forced to do a CPT in conjunction with their driving test.
One thing i think to stop some (most will be people pushing themselves too hard) of the fatalities would be - make everyone pass a CBT first before even takng 1 car lesson!

Your awareness increases so much when you realise what could happen and what to look for.
Most motorcycle accidents don't involve any other vehicle.

So basically a lot of muppets just stacking it ;-)

Cagers in this country do seem particularly dopey and unaware of bikes compared to pretty much every European country i've been too. That said the overall driving standard doesn't seem too bad.
The only way drivers will ever have any consideration for bikers as a whole is if they are forced to do a CPT in conjunction with their driving test.

Bikers need to want to be safe before drivers would consider it. I've seen bikers do some stupid things, yes drivers do it too but unlike bikers they have to do something catastrophic to kill them selves where bikers don't.

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