Motorcyle Cameras Anyone Use One?

22 Apr 2008
Bryn Celyn Wales
As it's raining and means no biking... been scouring internet for the past hour or so looking for motorbike camera's etc... looking for a 720P minimum camera with at least a 32GB sd/microsd slot...

What people got out there and using? Was kinda looking at something like the "ATC9K HD Action" or something like that... that can then have a variety of uses...

The Go Pro cams are too bulky for my liking.

I bought a HedCam a few months ago and it seems good the couple of times ive used it, comes with many mounting accessories ranging from fixed mounts to velcro and strap mounts.

Only downer is it only records in 720p @ 30fps, but it is only 80mm long and about 22mm in diameter.

I have a Kodak Playsport as well and I used that on the bike a few times, just mounted it on a Tom Tom mount behind the screen and it was really good, recorded in 720p @60fps or 1080p @ 30fps, about mobile phone sized though so tricky to mount.
have a look at the drift stealth hd170, rain forest place has it for £130 at the moment which is a steal.
I've used a fair few camera's and nothing (that I have used) can match the sound and picture quality of the GoPro Hero 2.

It all depends how small you require the unit to be and budget.

The Drift HD170 is good but IMO the wind reduction and general quality is not as good as a Hero2.

The only downside of the GoPro's are the price.
Was looking at the "Hero hd2" and it's a bit chunky ain't it, but been watching some footage on youtube and it seems light years ahead of the competition for clarity, although seems to be highly thought of. The Drift doesn't seem water resistant... and having watched a comparison, it's not in the same league.

Just thinking, I'll be doing a European 14 day trip next summer and wanted something this summer (if we see one), so do a long weekend... see what it's like. Next year, want to record as much of the 14 days as possible as we're taking on some of the best place and roads going. 3800 miles of them lol
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Hey up!

We've just been tinkering with a couple of Contour ROAM cameras... at the moment they're looking pretty darn mega! The quality of the footage is awesome (HD) and it's small enough to not be imposing/weighty (very slimline). We didn't want something like gopro which stuck out of our head like tellytubbies... not an ideal look when going through 3rd world countries and those not too keen on being filmed. Kinda makes us targets! So the ROAM is diddy enough to blend in (and you can chuck a bit of gaffa over it to make it look more duff if you're trying to be a bit more inconspicuous!)

Editing and what - you can use Contours own programs which are basic but we're fortunate to have Filmcutpro which I'm getting used to and makes things a doddle!

If you're looking at capturing sound then there's a slight problem in that their inbuilt microphone is a bit quiet. Talking to the camera when not riding is not a problem, but when riding it's just wind and a quiet distant baaaaaaaaaaarm of the bike you can hear, you can maybe make out the odd "Wheeeeeeeee" or muffled chatter when you're riding but that's it. There's no output on the ROAM to be able to put in your own microphone either.

We've toyed around and we get just over 4hours worth of filming before it needs to be recharged... this is tonnes enough. It's also waterproof and can be used underwater up to a metre.

The button is pipsqueek to flick on when riding and it's got a laser in it which comes on for a few seconds so you can line up where and what you're filming.

If sound is a biggy and you like the idea of GPS tracking and live feeds though I've heard the Contour + is pretty dandy, as it has an output for it microphone wise. Down side of this though... It's water resistant (so if you're looking for water tight you have to get a case for it) and battery life is much shorter (around 2.5hours) and it's pricey. I've also heard good things on the Hero HD2 but our budget just didn't stretch that far :)

IMO... when making biking videos I will be putting music over the top of it. With our comms set we'll probably be getting too there'll be a record button if we do want to record conversations but at the end of the day it's just to get riding footage. If we're stopped/walking about it's a great enough inbuilt mic!

We'll do a preview of it in a couple of days but will be reviewing it properly throughout our year and a half ride :) For us it was the best priced and in betweener at £150ish. Nothing too fandangle and yet was durable enough for our trip whilst giving good footage.

The only edited together piece I have right now is this:

But you get an idea of how quiet the mic is in the first part of the riding but how it's fine just talking to it. We have some proper riding footage... when I get two seconds I can always bosh it on and show you the quality if you're interested :)
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@pheebs - WOW, thanks for that, that is very very informative. I've been toying with the Gopro BUT it's just too big and looks a bit ****. I want the option of small and lid and also Bike positioning... hence why I was looking at the ATC9k, as it was small, looked funky and took HD pictures. Just looked at the footage, it's got the 170 degree angle lens as well, which I like, water proof which is all I need (rain mostly)... as I'll be using this when on long tours etc on the bike. Not too bothered about the sound reproduction tbh, as yeah any of the foottage will be music anyway... it's just especially for next July when we do the 3800 Alps/Italy tour which is going to include some stunning scenerary, I want to make sure I capture every day.

As for GPS, would be nice, but not bothered as I'd be recording the whole trip on my Garmin watch anyway, so would plot the actual routes on Google Earth each day anyway... all I need is a top quality HD recorder that looks sweet, modern, allows for different HD settings and has the mounts I need.

So, with you using one (been on the website and read their details), I feel I need to ask:

  1. Is there much quality difference between 720 and 1080 fottage.
  2. When running 720 can you run at 60fps?
  3. The battery, is it in the camera i.e. you recharge the camera and not the battery?
  4. 4 hours battery life, that's at 1080 is it?
  5. The mounts that come with the camera, how's the one attach to the helmut? Also, if I want to attach to a motorbike, where could this go you think judging by what's in the box?
EDIT: Man, I've just seen the footage for the GPS version (ContourGPS, not the +) and it's EPIC... I love that how you watch the video and on the other side it's showing the route and speeds your hitting, now this is a proper record of what you did, that is A NICE FEATURE... MMMmmm The PLUS gives the larger 170 degree angle as opposed to the 135... but it's a lot more cash me thinks!
Quite a good compare here... seems the ContourGPS is the best comprimise, BUT it's limited by its view... Mmmm..
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