Motorway Services

Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
Was there not supposed to be a government review into these a while back? What was the outcome?

We get completely ripped off for everything at Motorway Services - from petrol at 10p a litre above the price everywhere else to ridiculously priced food. Called in at Gordano Services to grab a drink in the middle of taking an HOUR to get through the M5 Roadworks and was suprised to find Burger King charge £1.90 for the same coke that costs £1.19 on the high street. But its not just them - EVERYTHING at motorway services is price inflated to the point where its pretty much taking the mick.

Now, business sense is charge what you can get away with so from a business point of view the prices are understandable. However, MSA's are operated under license from our friends at the Government - they should regulate this sort of stuff.

No wonder people drive tired, why not risk driving for 5 hours straight when if you pull off for a coffee you'll get raped £3 for it?

In Australia every Motorway services I went to had food at normal prices and petrol CHEAPER than city centre petrol stations.

Why can't we manage?

Ah well, I've now loaded my car up with £50 notes, hopefully this should get me a couple of Coffees and a donut on the M1 :rolleyes:
Interestingly McDonalds charge high street prices in the Motorway Service Areas.

But McDonalds is a bit meh and is outnumbered 5 to 1 on the Motorway by BK.

Had a BK on the M3 a few weeks ago.


Yes, £8!
Laws of supply and demand. People have little choice to go anywhere else on a motorway (unless you were sensible and packed a lunch), and so demand is high, meaning prices can go up with little change in sales, generating more revenue and profit.

This is fine normally but MSA's are there for reasons of driver safety - they are licensed by the government and MSA operators have to adhere to certain rules. Why not taking the mick on pricing is not a rule I've no idea.

This is one area where state intervention would be beneficial to society as a whole. The companies operating these MSA's didn't even pay for the construction costs..

We've already had one person in this thread who says he'll do regular 5-6 hour trips WITHOUT A BREAK because he hates getting ripped off at MSA's. Given the existence of the MSA is to ensure all drivers take regular breaks, are they not failing?

Sure, Rover416i is being wreckless and frankly pricing is no excuse for not having a break but there are millions of people like him - perhaps they'd not drive quite so tired if they could pick up a coffee for highstreet prices or perhaps schedule a re-fuel at regular prices?
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