Motorway troubles

20 Jun 2009
I've only been riding since last July. I use my bike mainly to commute, but on the odd occasion I also take it up to Oxford to visit family. It's a ~400 mile round trip, mainly M4 and M5.

When I'm riding on the motorway, I always have a feeling of being drawn towards the hard shoulder. It takes all my effort to stay in the slow lane. If I try and lean right I find my self very unbalanced.

It's quite strange, as I'm fine on the short dual carrage way commute, and I have no problem on A roads.

I'm riding a 1997 VFR 750. Has anyone else experienced this, or am I just a wrongun??
I tend to do what i hate people doing in a car when on the motorway and use the middle and outside lanes as i find the tramline laid by lorries on the M4 M5 a pain, however I do the reverse journey quite a lot and although the m4/m5 are fun have you considered
A38 - exeter
a30- a303

then a choice:

a303 - frome then take the road north to trowbridge/chippenham
then a short stint up the M4 to swindon and a420 to oxford

a303 come off head toward devizes then on to swindon through swindon and on to a420 to oxford.

Just a thought a much nicer drive and not too much longer.

Thanks for the reply.

That seems like a much more enjoyable ride. I will try this next time I visit, thanks. Although, part of me wants to force myself to use the motorways to try and sort this problem out!
Thanks for all the help, I think I've found the problem. As suggested I think I'm concentrating on the thick white line for the hard shoulder which is in turn making me ride to it. Then, when I can't seem to get off it I'm tensing up making it even more difficult.

I haven't tried the motorway again yet, but I have used dual carriage ways, keeping in mind what has been said above and I have found that I have a lot more control of where I'm going! Thanks for all the advice, I'll let you know how i get on the next time I have to use the M5.
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