Mountain Lion Dictation...

8 Nov 2003
Does anyone use this?

I have used this for the first time today and I have been truly amazed. I have always dismissed dictation programs as they usually do not work as you spend more time correcting things. So today I'm trying to use it and I answered all my emails and it was flawless. It even used my contacts to insert the correct names when I was replying to people.

I just used it to create this post as well.

Really really impressed and easy to switch on with a double tap of the fn key.
I used it when I first got ML but I quickly forgot about it as I can type faster. It still needs improvement before I'd consider using it permanently.
Does anyone use this?

I have used this for the first time today and I have been truly amazed. I have always dismissed dictation programs as they usually do not work as you spend more time correcting things. So today I'm trying to use it and I answered all my emails and it was flawless. It even used my contacts to insert the correct names when I was replying to people.

I just used it to create this post as well.

Really really impressed and easy to switch on with a double tap of the fn key.

Yes I tried it but it doesn't seem to work quite as well from me, maybe it just doesn't like my accent or something :(
Yeah it's awesome if you know exactly what you want to say - but sometimes I only think about what I want to say while I type :p So I end up with "The fox went over the err fence and then err it did a cartwheel and an err awesome backflip" :p
Yeah it's awesome if you know exactly what you want to say - but sometimes I only think about what I want to say while I type :p So I end up with "The fox went over the err fence and then err it did a cartwheel and an err awesome backflip" :p

Thats the issue I always had with Siri, fine for the first sentence then its errrrrrr and then errrr :p
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