Mounting a NTFS in Linux

17 Oct 2005
Managed to this a couple of times bout a year back , although when i came to do it yesterday i went blank lol. I am using Slackware and Ununtu both using Gnome desktop enviroment . I can vaugly remember bit so even a rough description will help.Mainly want to get access to my music from Windoze partition while im in one of my linux ditros

Edit /etc/fstab and add,

/dev/hda1 /mnt/windows ntfs nls=utf8,umask=0222 0 0

Where hda1 is your ntfs partition and /mnt/windows/ is where you want to mount it to.

sudo mount -a after that.
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JonRohan said:
Am I correct in thinking that you can only view NTFS volumes in linux?
Nope, you can use captive NTFS which loads the windows drive and gives write access. And there is write support that you can compile into the kernel, but you can only edit a file to the same length and it has to be quite long, so thats useless.
Thats interesting. I don't suppose you have any handy links for that? Im running an Ubuntu system with 3 NTFS drives will all of my music on and its doing my nutt in. :)
If you can, move it to a linux filesystem!
I've never used captiveNTFS myself, im sure a google will do the trick. And i have no idea how to install stuff on ubuntu short of compilation! I started using gentoo before Ubuntu became popular, so I've never really tried it. Sorry that i cant be more help
Its ok. I'm probably going to buy another hard disk for Linux anyway and have a play with adding volumes etc and or create a FAT32 volume which would serve both purposes fine.
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