Mounting/connecting to windows smb share

28 Feb 2009
I have a windows computer that I use for Plex and want to be able to use it as a NAS from my MacBook.

I've connected to it as a SMB share and it shows up, works.. however there are a few niggles. New files don't show up for a while and when I delete a file from my Mac, it still shows up for a while even though it has been deleted.

Also I have to reconnect to it manually each time.

Just wondered if there is a better way to connect/do something different or is this just how it works?
I use Automounter to connect to SMB shares on my NAS. It works really well, I have conditions set so that if I'm not connected to my WiFi, it won't try and connect and if I can't ping the NAS, it won't try and connect.

I posted about it here with pictures and stuff :)
For what it’s worth my Mac has no issues connecting to an SMB share from my NAS. It may be the settings on the Windows share.
For what it’s worth my Mac has no issues connecting to an SMB share from my NAS. It may be the settings on the Windows share.
I never had any issues making the initial connection, it's just that sometimes it would randomly disconnect, sometimes it struggled to reconnect when coming out of sleep, etc. Automounter just makes sure the connection is always there when I need it without any faffing about.
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