Need some advice I finally have my small collection of posters ready for framing but need to get a quick question answered before I go & get them done...
The guy in the shop recommended that I get them backed (Linen lined I think Raider called it) however most of my posters are double sided & I just wanted to see if you thought I should still get them done?
The thing is the image on the opposite side is just the reverse of the main image (Words all back to front etc.) & doesnt look anything special anyway so I dont think it will be a big problem, only issue is if I come to sell them I assume it will lower the vaule as I am effectivley making it just a single sided poster? (Not much concern as I dont think I'll be selling them)
Do you think I should have them lined or just mounted at the corners inside the frame?
Thanks for any help.
Need some advice I finally have my small collection of posters ready for framing but need to get a quick question answered before I go & get them done...
The guy in the shop recommended that I get them backed (Linen lined I think Raider called it) however most of my posters are double sided & I just wanted to see if you thought I should still get them done?
The thing is the image on the opposite side is just the reverse of the main image (Words all back to front etc.) & doesnt look anything special anyway so I dont think it will be a big problem, only issue is if I come to sell them I assume it will lower the vaule as I am effectivley making it just a single sided poster? (Not much concern as I dont think I'll be selling them)
Do you think I should have them lined or just mounted at the corners inside the frame?
Thanks for any help.