Mouse advice.

25 Jan 2013
I'm after a gaming mouse but I don't no anything about them. I only really want to spend a max of £50. I don't want an mmo one with loads of macro buttons on but I want one with a couple of buttons on that I can map for actions in game.

I have looked around online and some say the mouse has 6 programmable buttons but the mouse only looks like a normal mouse. So where are all these buttons?

I just want a decent mouse with enough buttons that I can assign a couple of keys to to make gaming better.
Any other advice is welcome.
Not enough buttons for your use, but I would recommend the Corsair M60. I've got it and love it. There are other Corsair mice with more buttons, but these for me are great.
im holding out for the Tt Volos at the moment, looks spot on, i dont like the mice with a numpad on the side (i foresee much fumbling and mis-pressing)
Not sure which Gigabyte you are looking at, but if it's this one:

Be careful. Cheep wireless mice for gaming can be awful due wireless lagg.

I honestly don't know about this mouse, but generally wireless and cheap is not good.

I use the Logitech G700 and there is no lag at all, but that is over your price range.

Really though, you just need a responsive mouse, with a good DPI, buttons where you want that FITS YOUR HAND. This is the trick, knowing what fits your hand. I bought a DeathAdder a while back and gave it away after a couple of weeks, not being able to use it as my hands were just too big for it. Loads of people love those mice - but it doesn't suit me at all.

You may do well to pop in to a shop and seeing how the mice feel in your hands first.
I've never had the gigabyte but have had a g500 and a deathadder

The death adder has extremely good tracking,very smooth accurate,glides very well and comfortable(sadly still made my hand ache and was too big as I couldn't reach certain buttons)

G500 very good build quality,warranty is very good(even after expiry they are known to replace products),weight system so mouse can be made lighter or heavier.(again way way to big for my hand)

I'm currently rocking a trust mx (something) lol cost me £5 can honestly say its the most comfiest mouse I have found so far!

I've had:
(too big) overlay sensitive buttons (left and right) excellent tracking,glides so smooth comfy,questionable build quality)

Zowie am
(really liked this very good mouse poor placement of dpi button,no thumb little finger support,little to small just)excellent scroll wheel and nice buttons,lovely grippy finish.

Loved the looks felt maybe a little to wide but was broken on arrival (the base plate was bent and dug into my mouse Matt when slid towards the right,didn't have enough time with it to decide if it was for me or not(didn't get another)
(Questionable build quality)
Trust gxt 14
Okay build quality seems about perfect for my hand size medium/small it's basically okay at everything but nothing special has All the same macro buttons as expensive mice and software that works fine its not flashy expensive or excel at anything but it does what it says and is cheap.

However I'm still on the hunt for the perfect mouse!!
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I think I'm gonna try the gigabyte m6900 first as its only £16 and I don't play a lot of multiplayer so don't need the best of the best. I just wanted a mouse that was game orientated that had some extra buttons. But thank you all for your help.
Tbf if you don't game online a lot anything with a half-decent sensor will be alright.

The key thing with mice is the way they feel in your hand, which you'd have to find out for yourself. My first gaming mouse was a logitech g5. It has quite a steep hump to it which gave me cramp. (was a great mouse at the time but not for me)
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