Mouse keeps double clicking

1 Jul 2007
My Logitech MX610 mouse has developed the annoying tendancy to double click whenever I single click it. Is this a software or hardware issue, and is there anything I can do about it? If not, can somebody reccommend me a reasonably cheap wireless mouse-it doesn't need to be fantastic for gaming, but I don't want a tacky cheap one either!
Had that on a logitech G7, as they get older the plastic that pushes the switch (or the switch itself) wears a little, so pressing it, doesnt make 100% contect, and it double clicks. I packed out the gap between the switch and the mouse button with a tiny amount of selotape. For a few days if sounded a little funny when you clicked, but it soon bedded in and the doubleclick was fixed.

Otherwise Logitech have very long warrenty and might give you a new mouse if you ask them.
Or there's dirt in the switch which you can simply resolve by hitting the offending mouse button a few times with your finger, I've had it numerous times on Microsoft mice.
lol, I would have gone for the less violent take it apart and clean it method, though ironiclly I'm guessing my way would be the one that voids your warrenty!

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