Mouse not moving correctly.

23 Dec 2002
Shiny Shanghai

So my old wifi mouse died and I bought a new one (logitech M170)
I now notice that when I want to move left and right, the cursor is moving in this kind of direction.


I have to noticeably angle my hand in a weird way to get it back to normal east/west operation.

I have tried the new mouse on a different PC and it's fine.
I have tried a different wifi mouse on my main PC and it is also offset.
I have tried a wired mouse on my main PC and it works fine.

Could the death of my previous mouse have messed something up in windows?
I have literally no idea how to go about fixing this.

I've uninstalled in Device manager and reinstalled.
No luck.

I have rebooted PC.
No luck.

I have downloaded Logitech drivers.
No luck.

I don't know what else to try.
Help :(
Different desk.
But I don't see why this mouse mat suddenly wouldn't play nice with a wifi mouse, but works fine with a wired mouse.
Still, I tried without the mat and it's still an issue :(

I do have a major Windows update (to 2004) ready to go, so maybe after I do that, it'll shake something loose.
I dunno.
No dust on the sensor and the windows update did nothing :(

The mouse also has no specific drivers. I checked.
It's just using the normal HID Compliant Mouse drivers in windows.
(The ones from 2006)
I looked to see if there were newer ones but could not find any :(

This things is a god damned mystery !!

Here's what's happening.
1st movement is the wired mouse
2nd movement is the wifi mouse (same wrist movement, same mouse mat)
3rd movement is back to the wired mouse.

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