Mouse Point started to jump about.

19 Oct 2002
Torbay, Devon, UK
I have a Ballistic MK-1, and randomly the pointer jumps about in games and desktop. It get very annoying say Im looking forward then the next second Im looking at my feet on the left side.

I have cleaned the mouse and Mat.

Any other clues.
I have a G700, let Setpoint update and it started jitter - like a shaky hand - when moving. Is this similar to what you're experiencing?

I could also use help with this.

EDIT : Tracks fine on the tabletop, but no longer on my titan everglide cloth mousemat (that worked perfectly fine before)
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This is common with laser mice when the smallest bit of dust gets under the lens. I know you mention having cleaned it, but have you tried using a cotton bud on the lens? It's also possible some dust made its way inside during manufacturing.
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