Mouse Spares Parts/Upgrades (UK)

19 May 2019
Hello all, please be patient with me not posted or spoke on these forums in quite a while never mind any forum for that matter.

What I'm posting about & please do point me in the right direction if there is already an existing thread & I can delete this if necessary.

Anyway just looking to see where people usually based in the UK tend to order replacement mouse switches from whether they be like for like for the mouse they own or whether they are buying & switching out to 3rd party switches e.g. Huano Blue White Dot's.

While I'm at it may as well since they usually have to be removed to get to the insides of your mice where do you all order new mouse feet from as well?

Look forward to everyone's replies & appreciate any advice/help.
I think overclockers sell these items in their online store. There are glides/skates and I saw some switches there in the mouse accessories section here.
Thanks for the quick reply. I did see this but I see that its not individual mouse switches they sell they are already made up/installed on a PCB & look to be more specific to a certain brand of mouse that I assume OCUK sell. Likewise with the mouse skates they seem to be for specific mice that OCUK sell. I should have been more clear the mouse I'm in particular looking to change up a little is the Logitech G305 (Yes I know nothing special & its just a budget/cheap mouse) but it fits my hand very well hence I've used them so much over the years. I'm just looking to upgrade/replace old faulty double clicking switches & also while I'm at it I need new mouse feet as the old ones didn't remove so well so can't really reinstall them. My initial question was less specific about the model of mouse as I was curious & wanting to know where others use as I may not always have/use the G305 in future so was trying to get a good idea of places to try out.
I got better mouse skates for my G502 from Amazon. Can't help with the spare parts as I have never had a mouse fail on me. Usually I get a new mouse when I feel like a change and we are talking several years between mouse replacements.
Thanks mate for the reply, yeah like you say its not often that bits go wrong like faulty mouse switches but ofc as you'll know it can happen at anytime its just all about the RNG. I'll have another look always find it difficult which shops/sellers to trust when it comes to the likes of your AliExpress, Amazon & Ebay etc. I have separate mice for work & gaming so rather than buying a new mouse each time one of them goes wrong. I like to try to DIY repair & even in some cases upgrade the mouse with better mouse skates/mouse switches. I ordered some last night from AliExpress bought some HUANO Blue Shell White Dots & also Kailh Silent switches. As for mouse skates I ordered some corepadz from BeardedBob who's a UK based guy who streams & also has his own shop etc. Will update you when everything arrives & get round to getting it all installed.
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