Move OmniOS installation to smaller drive

1 Dec 2005
I've got an OmniOS installation on a 250GB drive at the moment. I have it running a SAN server using Napp-It. This was only supposed to be a temporary installation while I waited for a pair of 80GB drives to land so I could run it on a ZFS mirror.

Now my drives are here, it would be great if I could resize and clone onto one of the new 80GB drives rather than re-installing and setting it all up again. Is this doable? I'm a Windows guy unfortunately so if there's a relatively stress-free way of doing this and someone could give me a pointer or two, that would be great :)

Thanks melvis. I've used gparted before, just wasn't sure if a Linux/Solaris install would get funny about suddenly being on a different size partition and/or drive.

So I'll resize to less than the size of the new drive, check it still works ok, clone to the new drive (is gparted ok for this or would I be better off with clonezilla?), and finally resize up to maximum size of the new drive - job done?
Just a quick update... this didn't work. Gparted didn't recognise the partition on the disk and couldn't do anything with it. I suspect there are ways to achieve what I wanted by some cmd line hackery but in the end I just did a fresh install.
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