Movie Trailers are just annoying....

26 Nov 2010
Thorne Yorkshire
Well, they are too my eyes anyway.
They do not tend to pique my interest. Just the opposite.
A compilation of 50 or so clips. Each lasting less than a second usually.
To me, that's just an annoying bunch of flashing images.
They do not inspire me to watch the actual movie.
Just puts me right off wanting to watching the movie they are trying to advertise.
What are they designed to do? Appeal to folk with an attention span which is less than that of a goldfish?

Kind regards,
Mr Grumpy Oldman. ;)
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Yeah thanks for that cu3ed. Not. ;)
Hadn't really noticed that before you pointed it out. Had a quick google for Single Piano Note.
Now you've given me something else to get grumpy about.
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