Movies that sell out. Terminator and Beverley Hills Cop to name a few

13 Nov 2006
and now Die Hard 4 to be a PG-13 !!!!

All studios are concerned about nowadays is getting the biggest audience flock to go see there films. Once a film becomes popular and has a franchise like Terminator and Beverley hills cop, they make a sequal suitable for kids.

It happens with them all.
Guest said:
I watched Terminator 3 for the first time at the weekend and thought it was a good film. Loads better than I expected. Beverley Cop 3 was criminal though

T3 with it's female terminator for equality no doubt was just stupid. A terminator film cannot be good when one of arnies lines is "speak to tha hand".

Utter tosh lol.
EasyG said:
jason statham is a great action hero,

check out transporter 1+2, and crank. there all cool action films, and the guy just oozes cool.

Those films are ridiculous. Transporter 2 was laughable. I found the hulk more believable.
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