Movies you're looking forward to in 2006?

29 Jun 2004
Movies you're looking forward to in 2006? (No spoilers)

I did a quick search - no positive results.

So with 2006 lurking around the corner which movie are you looking forward to seeing?
I personally would like to see The Da Vinci Code, i'm at Chapter 20 in the book and its supurb. Very thrilling. I'd like to see how Tom Hanks pulls of Robert Langdon.

It'll be very controversial (sp?) and perhaps the focus movie for 2006.

So what are you looking forward to? (No spoilers please)
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Yeh something about they did two movies instead of one thats why X3 is late because they were working on X4. Apparantly X4 is meant to blend in seamlessly with X3 with it coming out 1 month after X4.

God knows though, I think i'll do a google.
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