Moving a Mail Server to new Premises

19 Oct 2005
Hopefully just a simple one but we're moving our Kerio Mail Server to a new premises and I just want to double check I'm doing the correct thing.

Is it as simple as change the I.P on the Kerio software and then go on our domain registrar and change the DNS records. Possibly adjust the TTL to make sure it propagates quicker?

Anything else I should be aware of?
I would recommend not using Kerio and not hosting an email server on a broadband connection. If you really have to do both then at least put something like in front of it, and relay through that.

I want to migrate everything to a cloud connection as it just causes so many headaches. We're already paying for a office 365 Subaru have been testing migrations on that to not much success...gsuite does a good job but is expensive as an additional cost!

Will look into what you've linked. Thanks for the help again caged!

EDIT - It's currently being hosted on JANET with a 80/20 connection.
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It's probably more cost effective to have it hosted externally and not on premises. How many users are we talking about?

Your time is more valuable than sitting fixing problems like this.

We have around 40-50 users.

I've had enough of the on premises mail server now. It's all migrating to Office 365 as I type. We're paying for the subs anyway for office so may as well utilise the exchange. For anyone that doesn't need office the Plan 1 exchange is a good option also. The Kerio licenses cost us around £800 a year so it's a no brainer to cut that cost and migrate to something we're already paying for.

Trouble free email ahead I hope as, while I do like some of the on premises features, I can't be doing with the hassle of it.

Switching DNS this weekend.
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