Moving from MacBook Air to iPad...

8 Nov 2003
How do you manage iTunes? You obviously have access to the full version of iTunes with Mac OSX so is it possible to move to the iPad and keep that functionality?

It will be used with an iPhone as the primary listening device so how do you sync music etc?

Asking for someone else as I don't listen to music so don't really have this problem.

It isn't really possible to mimic having iTunes Desktop software installed on an iPad. You have to think of it like this. When you use iTunes, you probably also store music etc on your local hard drive. An iPad isn't big enough to store all of this. You also need to factor in backups (which iTunes periodically create).

Apple have a solution but it's cloud based. For music, you'd just need to pay £25 for an iTunes Match subscription. That way, all of your music is then stored in the cloud (after configuring it). You can then also set iCloud to store backups of your device instead of using iTunes.
As Phonesis said... The only (half) solution is to use the iTunes match cloud based service however this setup will never be quite as good as having your air as a centre point.

I think apple have gone as far as they can (or want to) with regards to ditching the need to have a PC/Mac.
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