Moving from managed basic hosting to VPS



10 Mar 2006
East Lancs
So, I have a basic hosting package with Westhost which I have had for years and years. It is quite costly for what I am effectively using as an email service at the moment.

My partner also has her own website/email via a different provider which is also not very cheap.

Digital Oceans VPS have peaked my interest. I figured why should we pay loads when a basic server should just be ample for us both.

I am looking to get into Rails development using my partners site as a first basic project so she can edit it herself and for my own tinkering using my own domain.

I want to retain the domains with their own email (IMAP and Roundcube) and hosting capabilities. Am I barking up the right tree? Can I do all this with Digital Ocean?

I know I will be full admin and responsible for any config issues. This is slightly new to me although I am not stranger to servers, command line etc but only on a basic level. I am keen to learn however so shouldn't be too much of a challenge. I just want to know if I can achieve what I want this way :)
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